08 czerwca 2011

Wiosenne trendy

"Zmęczone, ale czy zadowolone?" - tak bym najkrócej określił tę sytuację..
..Piękności (przecież) wracają na scenę..
(w tym miejscu w Ameryce widownia ; standing ovation*)
..tutaj; ciąg dalszy..
..ileż cierpliwości i pokory wymaga zawód aktora (!)
"A standing ovation is a form of applause where members of a seated audience stand up while applaudine after extraordinary performances of particularly high acclaim. In Ancient Rome returning military commanders (such as Marcus Licinius Crassus after his defeat of Spartacus) whose victories did not quite meet the requirements of a triumph but which were still praiseworthy were celebrated with an ovation instead, from the Latin ovo, "I rejoice". The word's use in English to refer to sustained applause dates from at least 1831.[1]"

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